6-8 juillet 2016 Habitat III – Genève (Suisse) : Michel Max Raynaud (Université de Montréal) participe au Group Expert Meeting organisé par ONU Habitat et la Commission Économique des Nations Unies pour l’Europe (UNECE)

Building on the urgency to advance safety and development in cities, the conference entitled « Safer Cities in the New Urban Agenda ; Reviewing the State of Safety in World Cities, Towards Transformative approach on Safer Cities in the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda », is a call to action to enroot integrated approaches to urban safety, crime prevention and conflict prevention as an integral part of city governance to assist national and local governments, mayors, technical city officials and societal actors to improve the quality of life of people.

Guided by the SDG Goal 11 and 16 and towards the new urban agenda vision 2030, the conference brought together representatives from national and local governments, criminal justice institutions and law enforcers, civil society organisations including women and youth organisations, academic experts and research institutions, the private sector, UN agencies and international organisations to discuss experiences of making cities safer. The event was organised by UN-HABITAT and UNECE, with assistance from the United Nations Office at Geneva and the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform.