Stratégies et programmes de sécurité

Safety Governance Approach in Urban Environments for Safe, Inclusive and Resilient Communities. Final Independent Project Evaluation 2022. (2022). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Public Spaces as a Generator of Growth in African Cities. (2015). [UCLG Peer Learning]. United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
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Practical Approaches to Urban Crime Prevention. Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the 12 th UN Conference on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil 2010. (2011). International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC) & United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Sagant, V., & Shaw, M. (2010). Prévention de la criminalité et sécurité quotidienne. Tendances et perspectives. Rapport international 2010. Centre International pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Prévention de la criminalité et sécurité quotidienne : Prévenir la cybercriminalité. Sommaire exécutif, 6th rapport international 2018. (2018). Centre International pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Prévention de la criminalité et sécurité quotidienne : Prévenir la cybercriminalité. 6th rapport international 2018. (2018). Centre International pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Prévention de la criminalité et sécurité quotidienne.  Résumé analytique, rapport international 2012. (2012). Centre International Pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Prévention de la criminalité et sécurité quotidienne : Les villes et le nouvel agenda urbain. Résumé analytique, 5th rapport international 2016. (2016). Centre International Pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Governing Safer Cities: Strategies for a Globalised World. A framework to Guide Urban Policy – Makers and Practitioners. (2016). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Handbook on Planning and Action for Crime Prevention in Southern Africa and the Caribbean Regions. (2008). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Prévention de la criminalité et sécurité quotidienne. Tendances et perspectives. Rapport international 2008. (2008). Centre International pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Prévention de la criminalité et sécurité quotidienne : Les villes et le nouvel agenda urbain. 5th rapport international 2016. (2016). Centre International pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Principes directeurs applicables à la prévention du crime. Manuel d’application pratique. (2011). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Rubin, J., Gallo, F., & Coutts, A. (2008). Violent Crime. Risk Models, Effective Interventions and Risk Management. Rand Europe.
Magaloni, B., & Diaz-Cayeros, A. (2020). Violent Crime as a Global Development Challenge: Causes and Menu of Interventions [Working paper]. World Bank.
State of Urban Safety in South Africa. Report 2016. (2016). Urban Safety Reference Group, South African Cities Network (SACN), Johannesburg.
Commins, S. (2018). From Urban Fragility to Urban Stability (Africa Security Brief). Africa Center for Strategics Studies.
State of Urban Safety in South Africa. Report 2021. (2021). Urban Safety Reference Group, South African Cities Network (SACN), Johannesburg.
Prévention de la criminalité et sécurité quotidienne. Rapport international 2012. (2012). Centre International pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Building Urban Safety Through Slum Upgrading. (2011). United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat).
Commins, S. (2018). De la fragilité urbaine à la stabilité urbaine [Bulletin de la Sécurité Africaine]. Centre d’Études Stratégiques de l’Afrique.
Crime Prevention and Community Safety: Cities and the New Urban Agenda, Executive Summary, 5 th International Report 2016. (2016). International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC).
Philbrick, W., Milnor, J., Deshmukh, M., & Mechael, P. (2022). Information and Communications Technology Use to Prevent and Respond to Sexual and Gender–Based Violence in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Evidence and Gap Map. Campbell Systematic Reviews.
De La Rue, L., Polanin, J. R., Espelage, D. L., & Pigott, T. D. (2014). School-Based Interventions to Reduce Dating and Sexual Violence: A Systematic Review. Campbell Systematic Reviews.
Initiative mondiale des villes sûres et des espaces publics sûrs pour les femmes et les filles. Rapport sur les résultats mondiaux 2017-2020. (2021). Entité des Nations Unies pour l’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes (ONU Femmes).
A Handbook on Women’s Safety Audits in Low-Income Urban Neighbourhood: A Focus on Essential Services. (2010). Jagori & Women in Cities International.
Regional Strategy and Framework of Action for Addressing Gender-Based Violence 2018-2030. (2018). Southern African Development Community (SADC).
Interventions to Reduce Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in Public Spaces. (2022). [Evidence Briefing]. College of Policing U.K.
Women, Cultural Rights and Public Spaces. Analysis and Recommendations to Advance Women’s Human Rights. (2019). International Action Network for Gender Equity and Law (IANGEL).
Silvestre Cabrera, M., Aristegui, I., & Royo Prieto, R. (2023). An Analysis of Responses to Sexual Assault against Women in Public Space: Practical Gender Needs or Strategic Gender Interests? Social Sciences.
Women and the City II: Combating Violence against Women and Girls in Urban Public Spaces: The Role of Public Services. (2013). Action Aid International.
Citywide Strategic Plan to Address Gender-Based Violence and Human Trafficking. (2023). City of Chicago.
Programme de formation aux réponses policières efficaces à la violence envers les femmes. (2011). Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC).
Handbook on Effective Police responses to Violence against Women. (2010). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Monitoring DSG 16: A Gender Perspective. (2022). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Research (UNODC).
Amaral, S., Bhalotra, S., & Prakash, N. (2021). Gender, Crime and Punishment: Evidence from Women Police Stations in India [CESifo Working Papers]. The International Platform of Ludwigs-Maximilians University ‘s Center and for Economics Studies and the ifo Institute (CESifo).
Carrington, K., Guala, N., Puyol, M.-V., & Sozzo, M. (2020). How Women’s Police Stations Empower Women, Widen Access to Justice and Prevent Gender Violence. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy.
Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces. Global Results Report. (2017). United Nations Entity for gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).
A Practitioner’s Toolkit on Women’s Access to Justice Programming. (2018). United Nations Entity for gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)  & United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) & United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) & Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
Sviatschi, M. M., & Trako, I. (2021). Gender Violence, Enforcement and Human Capital. Evidence from Women’s Justice Centers in Peru [Policy Research Working Paper]. Development Economics Development Impact Evaluation Group, World Bank Group.
Whitzman, C., Andrew, C., & Viswanath, K. (2014). Partnerships for Women‘s Safety in the City: Four Legs for a Good Table (Environment and Urbanization). International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
Eliminating Violence against Women’s. Forms, Strategies and Tools. (2008). United Nations Interregional Crime & Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).
Les marches exploratoires sur la sécurité des femmes. Une étude comparative internationale. (2009). Programme des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains (ONU Habitat).
Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls Global Flagship Initiative: Second International Compendium of Practices. (2020). United Nations Entity for gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).
Whose City? An Evaluation of Urban Safety for Women in 10 Countries. (2017). Action Aid.
United States Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally. (2022). United Sates Agency for International Development (USAID).
Respect Women: Preventing Violence against Women. (2019). World Health Organization (WHO).
Building Safe and Inclusive Cities for Women: A practical Guide. (2011). Jagori Foundation & United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat)  & United Nations Entity for gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women.
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Training Curriculum on Effective Police Responses to Violence against Women. (2010). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Manuel sur les réponses policières efficaces à la violence envers les femmes. (2011). Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC).
The Global Assessment on Women’s Safety. (2008). United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat).
Parkes, J., Heslop, J., Johnson Ross, F., & et al. (2016). A Rigorous Review of Global Research Evidence on Policy and Practice on School-Related Gender-Based Violence. Institute of Education, University College London.
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Sugimoto-Matsuda, J. J., & Braun, K. L. (2014). The Role of Collaboration in Facilitating Policy Change in Youth Violence Prevention: A Review of the Literature. Prev. Sci.
Rapport comparatif sur les modes d’intervention auprès des jeunes à risque d’adhérer à un gang de rue. Pratiques de la Belgique, du Canada et de la France. Rapport d’analyse comparée. (2011). Centre International Pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Preventing Youth Violence: An Overview of the Evidence. (2015). World Health Organization (WHO).
Recension internationale de pratiques prometteuses en matière de prévention de la violence chez les moins de 25 ans. Volet 1 : Canada et Etats-Unis. (2020). Centre International Pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
Simon, T. R., Ritter, N. M., & Mahendra, R. R. (2019). Changing Course. Preventing Gang Membership. Office of Justice programs, US Department of Justice & US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Avis, W. R. (2015). Increasing Youth Participation in Accountability Mechanisms [GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report]. GSDRC University of Birmingham.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention. Resources for Action. A Compilation of the Best Available Evidence. (2019). National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Centers for Disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Violence in the City. Insights from Young People across Six Countries (Urban Research Series). (2022). Plan International ‘s Safe and Inclusive Cities Programme.
Campie, P., Petrosino, A., Fronius, T., & Read, N. (2017). Community-Based Violence Prevention Study of the Safe and Successful Youth Initiative: An Intervention to Prevent Urban Gun Violence. Final Technical Report. American institute of Research (AIR).
SPORTS. Guide for Policymakers for the Use of Sport for the Prevention of Violent Extremism. (2023). United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism & United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)  & United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).
Wilson, D. B., Gill, C., Olaghere, A., & McClure, D. (2016). Juvenile Curfew Effects on Criminal Behavior and Victimization. Campbell Systematic Reviews.
Higginson, A., Benier, K., Shenderovich, Y., & et al. (2015). Preventing Interventions to Reduce Youth Involvement in Gangs and Gang Crime in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Campbell Systematic Reviews.
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LineUP LiveUP. Live Skills Training Through Sport to Prevent Crime, Violence and Drug Use. Trainer Manual. (2017). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Stratégies nationales de prévention de la violence chez les jeunes. Une étude comparative internationale. (2017). Centre International Pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
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Prévenir la délinquance en milieu urbain et auprès des jeunes : Recueil international de pratiques inspirantes. (2005). Centre International pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (CIPC).
LineUP LiveUP Youth Crime Prevention through Sport: Insights from the UNODC ‘LineUP LiveUP Pilot Programme. (2020). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Prévention de la violence à l’École. Guide pratique. (2019). Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS).
Inspire. Action for Implementing the Seven Strategies for Ending Violence against Children. (2016). World Health Organization (WHO).
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Inspire Handbook. Action for Implementing the Seven Strategies for Ending Violence against Children. (2018). World Health Organization (WHO).
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